Friday, 28 December 2012

Cyclorama, the application dizzy your iPhone 5!

Well, we must admit, even though there are a lot of apps on the AppStore, all are not always successful, even far away, and do not really serve little purpose. But hey, you know with all Apple products, there's an app for everything! And indeed, the application that makes the buzz yesterday was one of those who frankly are not necessarily useful as such but still have that little extra that makes everyone's raving about! It is Cycloramic that will allow you to make a 360 ° panorama. You tell me that other applications exist for this. Yes it's true, but there Cycloramic provides little extra that makes all the difference is that you will be able to achieve that famous 360 ° without touching your iPhone! In fact, just ask your precious start Cycloramic and like magic, your iPhone starts to turn on itself, like a big while filming! In fact, if you decide to purchase this application, you will quickly understand that this has been made possible thanks to the vibrator.

Well, we must admit that the recorded video will not be necessarily very useful but against, you will inevitably feel launching Clycloramic with your friends. Ah yes, still some details about the application, it is because you pay will cost € 0.89 and works with the iPhone 5 only if you want to twirl on your mobile itself. I think it is very useful to clarify the need for your iPhone 5 based on a smooth flat surface for it to work perfectly.

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